About School  
About DAV Public School, Berhampur 
The foundation of DAV Public School, Berhampur in March 1989 marked the beginning of an educational institution that has flourished under the aegis of the DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi. Operating as a self-funded, English Medium, Co-Educational Senior Secondary School, the institution gained recognition from the Government of Odisha and is affiliated with the prestigious Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi.
Situated in the serene and pollution-free surroundings of Gosaninuagaon, the school boasts a sprawling 4-acre campus that provides an ideal environment for learning. With student strength of around 3000, the institution caters to students from Nursery to Class XII (Sceince), offering a comprehensive and quality education.
One of the notable aspects of DAV Berhampur is its commitment to excellence education and administration. Over its 37 years of operation, the school has become a beacon of educational excellence, thanks to the cooperative efforts of a dedicated staff and the firm support of the Regional Directorate, Bhubaneswar and committed members of the Local Managing Committee.
The institution stands tall for its well-planned and systemized approach to education, distinguishing itself as a renowned educational establishment. The school takes pride in integrating long-cherished Indian values with positive modern thought, fostering an environment that encourages holistic development. With a network of relationships and values that have stood the test of time, DAV Berhampur has become a pioneer of educational prowess in the region.
Smart teachers equipped with unique and indispensable pedagogical expertise, incorporating both "Activity-oriented and Technology-oriented Teaching Techniques," embrace this innovative shift.
The institution provides a distinctive daily schedule and a comprehensive academic curriculum complemented by a well-balanced mix of extracurricular activities such as Sports, Yoga, Dance, Arts & Crafts, Army & Naval NCC, Scouts & Guides, nurturing the development of responsible and successful global citizens among students.
The school consistently achieves noteworthy results, particularly in Class X & XII, making each academic session immensely fulfilling. Alumni of the school have proudly pursued diverse professions across the globe.
All days of Local, State, National, and International significance are celebrated with fervour and enthusiasm. The dedication of diligent teachers, coupled with the able leadership and guidance of the Principal, consistently contribute to the school's reputation as one of the premier educational institutions in South Odisha.
As the institution embarks on each new session, it promises something new to its students — new beginnings, new possibilities, and new challenges. This commitment to continuous improvement and adaptability reflects in its approach to education, preparing students not just for academic success but for the broader challenges of life. Through this holistic perspective, DAV Berhampur remains at the forefront of providing a transformative educational experience for its students, thus becoming a dream school to study in.
About DAV Organisation
DAV Public School, Berhampur is the proud product of DAV College Trust & Management Society, New Delhi which runs about 800 quality educational institutions of different types. This society was formed in 1885 by a group of dedicated and enlightened persons of staunch belief in Indian philosophy, culture and heritage. These selfless workers were keen to fulfil the mission of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati for the eradication of ignorance and illiteracy through diffusion of knowledge by synthesis of Modern Science and Technology with our Ancient Cultural Heritage.
Maharishi Dayanand, a great exponent of the Vedas had cherished a vision of rebuilding the human society at various levels – moral, intellectual and spiritual in terms of the Aryan Culture and the tenets of sacred Hindu scriptures. The Vedic philosophy has been the creed of the D.A.V. Movement and is inherent in the very name D.A.V which stands for Dayanand Anglo-Vedic.
Right from its start, the D.A V. Movement captured the imagination of selfless and devoted workers and was nurtured by stalwarts like Mahatma Hans Raj, Lala Lajpat Rai, Bhai Parmanand, Lala Dwarka Das, Principal Sain Das, Bakshi Ram Ratan, Bakshi Tek Chand, Justice ( Dr.) Mehar Chand Mahajan, Justice Jiwan Lal Kapur, Dr. G L. Dutta, etc.
Today, the DAV College Trust and Management Society is the largest Non-Government Educational Organization in India running institutions such as Arts, Science and Professional Colleges, Public Schools, Polytechnics, Technological and Vocational Colleges, Sanskrit Colleges and Vedic Research Institutions and even universities. This organization now also has the pride to own educational institutions and cultural centres in U.S.A, England, Mauritius and Bangkok.
It needs to be especially mentioned here that DAV College Managing Committee is the governing body, which controls the administration, and finances of the schools. lt is not at all the financing body. New DAV Institutions spring-up pillared by the beneficence and resourcefulness of local people, whereas guidance, counselling and moral support funnel down from the top. With an aim to empathize with the poor, the organisation runs institutions for the disadvantage as well. This end is achieved by motivating the affluent parents for the requisite financial support.
The main objective of the DAV institutions is to impart such education to the children as while it helps to imbibe in them a sense of deep patriotism and pride in their ancient culture and civilization, instills in them a disciplined outlook deeply dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. These institutions aim at creating an environment which is truly conducive to the development of the child mentally, physically and even spiritually. They strive to prepare him for the challenging life ahead while cultivating in him the values of life enshrined as they are in our time honoured holy books as well as in the teachings of our great saints and sages.
It is to the credit of Dr. A N Khosla, the then Governor of Odisha, for introducing DAV’s in Odisha in 1968. The Hon’ble Governor had himself been an office bearer of the DAV Society for many years and very well understood the role of this movement in the spread of education in the remote areas of this State. He spent all his savings as Governor for spreading education and persuaded the other office bearers of the society to set up educational institutions in Odisha. He extended official patronage for these DAV Institutions by leasing land free of cost. During his life time, the DAV society started four Degree Colleges (one for women alone), one women polytechnic, many high schools and one Public School at Bhubaneswar – DAV Public School, Unit- VIII, Bhubaneswar.
Following the well lain path, The DAV Trust is managing a chain of English, Odia and Bengali medium public schools in this part of the country and this chain is fast lengthening reaffirming the faith of the people in the sound educational programme of the DAVs. At present DAVs are at Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Berhampur, Puri, Nayagarh, Nimapada, Balasore, Rourkela, Jharsuguda. Titlagarh, lmphal, Midnapore, Bankura and Dubrajpur. Corporate sectors like Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd., Paradeep Phosphates Ltd., Orissa Power Generation Corporation Ltd., NTPC Ltd., National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd., Vedanta Aluminium Ltd., Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Ltd., Indian Institute of Technology, Steel Authority of India Ltd., Vedanta University Project and Damodar Valley Corporation Ltd. have sponsored DAV Public Schools for the benefit of their employees. More DAV Public Schools are coming up every year.
Contact Us ↓
Sadananada Vihar, Gosaninuagaon, 
Berhampur, Ganjam,
Phone No.: +91-9439549765
Email ID: principal@davberhampur.org
Website: http://davberhampur.edu.in/

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