
Promotion Rules:

  • Promotion is based on students' overall performance, including their daily academic engagement, assignments, and participation in class activities throughout the year.

  • In addition, periodic tests and examinations play a crucial role in assessing students' progress and determining their eligibility for promotion.

  • All promotions will be conducted as per the policies and guidelines issued by DAVCMC / DAVCAE / CBSE to ensure fairness and transparency in the evaluation process.

  • Students are advised to choose their subjects carefully, as alterations will not be permitted once selections are made.

Examination Rules:

  • Attendance in all tests and examinations is mandatory, and students must appear for each scheduled assessment without fail.

  • If a student is unable to attend a test due to unavoidable circumstances, they must provide valid justification, such as a medical certificate or prior approval from the school authorities.

  • As per CBSE guidelines, students must secure a minimum of 33% in each subject and maintain at least 75% attendance to qualify for promotion to the next class.

  • Consistent performance and regular attendance are essential for academic progress, and students are encouraged to take their studies seriously.

  • Results, once declared by the Academic Committee, shall be considered final and binding on all students and parents.

  • Requests for reevaluation or reconsideration may not be entertained, ensuring a fair and standardized assessment process.


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Sadananada Vihar, Gosaninuagaon, 
Berhampur, Ganjam,
Phone No.: +91-9439549765
Email ID: principal@davberhampur.org
Website: http://davberhampur.edu.in/

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