School Endeavours  
School Endeavours To Impart
  1. Academic excellence: through better learning facilities imparted by dedicated and well versed teachers.
  2. Personality development: pruned with selected Scholastic and Co- Scholastic activities.
  3. Nationalistic outlook: by arranging community services through NCC, Scout, Guide & Red Cross.
  4. Value education:inclusive of morning prayers, Thought read in the assembly as well as value based academic learning.
  5. Sense of Self-esteem and latent talent: of the students through Art, Craft, Dance and Public speaking opportunities provided from time to time.
  6. Education: through modern technological means in order to update the Students’ minds and enabling them to face the emerging demands of today’s world.
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Sadananada Vihar, Gosaninuagaon, 
Berhampur, Ganjam,
Phone No.: +91-9439549765
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