Team Management  

DAV Public School, Berhampur, is a self-financing institution directly managed by the DAV College Trust and Management Society, with its Head Office in New Delhi and Regional Office in Bhubaneswar.


To oversee its growth at the local level, the school is supported by a Local Managing Committee, chaired by Prof. (Dr.) Jayanta K Mahapatra. The school has been fortunate to have dedicated members on the committee, including Dr. DJJ. Swamy, Shri R. Murli Krishna, Dr. (Mrs.) Bhagyabati Nayak, Ms. Sujata Sahu, Prof. Subash Padhy, Prof. (Dr.) Dibakar Panigrahy, Dr. SN Panda, and members of Teacehrs & Parents Representative. Their continuous support and constructive suggestions have been invaluable sources of encouragement.


In addition to the Local Managing Committee members, the contributions of stalwarts of DAV, such as Late Shr. IR. Rao, Late. Shri. Narayan Rathod, Late. Er. S C Choudhury, Late Shri Padma Charan Sahu, Mrs. Vithal Rajah, Mrs. M. Shivkanta, Late Shri. P. Adi Narayan Reddy, Shri. ND Grover, Shri. DV Pasricha, and Dr. HK Mohanty, have significantly contributed to the school’s growth over the years.


The visionary leadership of Mrs. Deep Gambhir, the founder Principal of the school, also played a crucial role in laying a strong foundation for its success.


The school’s past holds remarkable achievements that will always be recorded in golden letters. Today, under the able guidance of Dr. K C. Satpathy, Regional Director, DAV Institutions, Odisha, the school is poised to set new benchmarks of excellence and achievement.


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Sadananada Vihar, Gosaninuagaon, 
Berhampur, Ganjam,
Phone No.: +91-9439549765
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